Italian Minstrel

Italian Minstrel

Sunday 27 June 2010

A Lincolnshire Sunday

This Sunday, we spent here in Lincolnshire. A very warm June day, and whilst the weather is so hot, it makes sense to get up early a pick the strawberries, sweet and juicy...and there were pounds to gather, enough for jam already!

But before I did that I fed our hens. I saw there were two young squirrels in the crewyard where the hens live, they had found a way into the feed shed where they were helping themselves to the corn. There is only one advantage to this which is that they are consequently not stealing our strawberries!

The garden is full of roses, utterly heady and scented (I only have smelly roses, I have trouble understanding why anyone would give garden room to a rose that doesn't smell!). Sweet peas, campion, lupins, poppies etc.A riot of colours.
This is a giant allium, also in the garden, just stunning, I love the tiny details even as it turns to seed pods, still beautiful...

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